How to use CineTrak
- Double Tap any Movie or TV Show in the Discover screen to add it to your watchlist
- Long press any Movie or TV Show in the Discover screen to add it to your watched list list or get a menu of options. This can be changed in the options screen
- Long press any Movie or TV Show in the Discover screen to add it to your watched list list
- Swipe a Movie in your watchlist to mark it as watched
- Swipe a TV Show in your Now Watching screen to mark your next episode as watched
- Want to mark a large list of episodes as watched? Open the TV Show -> Season section and swipe the episodes
- Direct Checkin to a movie: tap and hold the FAB
- Change your profile picture by visiting: -> In the top right, click on your profile name and go to settings the FAB
- Hide already watched Movies and TV Shows: In the settings screen, check the boxes as in the image
- CineTrak can help you find streaming services for your favorite movies and TV shows . Open the Movie or Show details screen and scroll to the end until you find the link
- Deleting Custom lists
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